Robocop 2014 remake is a new beginning for the franchise

I remember watching the original 1987 movie at a young and impressionalble age regarding it as the best film at that time, although the sequels did not provide the same feel and the franchise went down-hill after that, especially the television series that seemed to undo all the good work put into the first film. With news that a Robocop remake will be releasing in early 2014, we are unsure whether this re-ignite the love fans had for the original, although we understand a stronger cast will be involved this time around.
We can’t help but think back to the gritty original that included a whole host of catchphrases like “I’d buy that for a dollar“, “Dead or alive you’re coming with me” and “You have 20 seconds to comply.” This gives us reason to believe the remake will really have to pull out all the stops to make this as entertaining as the first one.
The remake was first announced in 2005, and halted one year later. With numerous delays a 2010 release was moved to an expected 2013 schedule, but now we understand that this will not be coming to theatres until February 7th 2014.
Robocop 2014 remake is a new beginning for the franchise
In an article on Cinema Blend, the highlight a trailer of the upcoming film which shows the man and machine merging together as one, while Joel Kinnaman takes on the role of Alex Murphy, a paralysed cop who entertains the OmniCorp process of using technology to make him into a mobile keeper of the peace.
Much like the original Murphy is not entirely a machine and deals with taking control of his mechanical self, as his initial programming makes him OmniCorp’s prize possession, Robocop. The conflict of morality as part human and part machine looks set to take its toll once again, as Murphy has to deal will a sceptical public not overly supportive of police technology being used to fight crime.
While we hope what entertained us in the original is not compromised with this remake, we are glad to see a better cast has been contemplated this time around, with the likes of Gary Oldman playing Dr. Dennett Norton, Samuel L. Jackson as Pat Novak and Michael Keaton as Raymond Sellars to name a few.
Are you expecting the 2014 version of Robocop will be new beginning for the franchise? We might even see some decent sequels depending on the success, maybe we are getting too far ahead of ourselves here.

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